Human mode (Light)

Gensokyo Replay Archive

A complete archive of the Touhou replays from, with the same search functionality as said website.

On 25 September 2019, expired, and as of the 30th it is inaccessible. As such, this archive has been created to preserve all of its replays. Unlike the original website, these replays cannot be deleted.

The table resulting from search can be sorted by score, date etc. (note that this might be slow depending on the size), and the player name can be clicked to view the corresponding replay in detail.

CategoryMoF Extra
Game Version1.00a
Upload Date2008-04-17 16:45:50
TypeNormal run
CommentI finally cleared a Touhou Extra Stage with no deaths! Even though I had to abuse the MarisaB bug to do it, I'm still proud of this. Virtually everything in this run was choreographed, right down to every bomb. Even the bombs in "Suwa War - Native Myth vs Central Myth" (the penultimate spell card) were planned, since I had to bomb my way down to 0.xx Power in order to start Scourge Sign "Mishaguji-sama" with 3.xx power in order to exploit the glitch.